Important Notice. TPD Portal to be withdrawn.
After more than 15 years since its inception, NHS TSET has taken the decision to withdraw the TPD Portal from their portfolio of training support products. See TSET News for more details and important information that may affect you.

The NHS TSET Technical Professional Development (TPD Portal) has been created to support the professional development of all staff working within the technical disciplines of hospital pharmacy in the UK.
Seven clusters of technical competences, linked to, and supported by suggested underpinning knowledge requirements, can be searched and used as both a dynamic personal development tool and as a managerial aid.
Unlike paper based competency frameworks the TPD Portal creates a motivational and interactive experience for users. For the first time, it allows individuals to create their very own completely personalised competence profile which reflects their individual role in technical services, and also helps users identify and work towards their professional aspirations. It supports the careers of all pharmacy staff no matter what their profession or entry point.; and this is only the beginning of the professional development journey.
Evidence supporting competences can be created by users utilising the portal’s simple evidence capture tool, which also links the evidence to any selected competence within a profile. This can also be exported for peer review or manager approval if desired. The portal even warns when evidence may need to be renewed, therefore supporting a revalidation process.
The superb Planning tool shows where competence is yet to be evidenced or achieved within a personal profile and drops any competences selected into a personal development plan. The user then sets the timeframe in which they wish to attain competence. A progress barometer measures advancement through the plan with a ‘time remaining’ indicator.

Activity data can be searched at any time within the Reporting zone of the portal, providing rapid access to information about when and where progress has been made towards professional development goals.
The portal is simple and intuitive to use and is supported by powerful help and e-learning guidance if required.
As networking is a useful means of accessing information and sharing good practice, the portal also hosts a technical professional’s forum so you can keep in touch with the news and views of your colleagues throughout the UK.
Register today and explore the full functionality yourself. We are confident you will wish to join the growing number of staff who have made the TPD Portal their technical professional home.